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"For the young at heart"
There's many reasons adults join adult gymnastics programs! 
So, whether you are an ex-athlete of the sport, wish you had the opportunity to learn the sport when you were younger, tired of lifting weights at the gym, need to cross train or just want to get fit and have fun the gymnastics way, we can offer it for you!


Adult classes 
  • Give a full body work out

  • Works on strength, co-ordination, balance, flexibility

  • Are structured around what our participant's goals

  • Suitable for beginners with no experience to current and ex adult gymnasts



 See the timetable for session days and times. Adult sessions are held weekly during the school term. 


Upon discussion with the head coach, adults who have certain goals may invited to additional sessions.


Our adult class members also receive invites to events like school holiday programs, team training days and clinics.



Adults use all apparatus from artistic gymnastics and trampolining disciplines. This includes rings, bars, trampolines, beams, vault and floor.


If the adult brings a mate/partner and are suitably conditioned, they can even learn acrobatics. We can also offer basic rhythmic.


Did you know - Gymnastics was originally for adults, hence the name Men's Artistic or Women's Artistic gymnastics?


Teenagers welcome!


This may be suitable for teenagers who:

  • Have no prior gymnastics experience.

  • Have had an extended amount of time away from gymnastics and want a way to re-transition into the sport.

  • For competitive athletes who want to step back (upon Head Coach approval).

What does a class consist of?

Members come from various walks of life. They are young adults to over 50's including beginners, parents and ex athletes. Each week they unite in the gym continuing to be fit and have fun.


  • Classes begin with a group warm up of dynamic stretches and a cardiovascular section.


  • The group is then guided around a series of apparatus activities like strength, conditioning and apparatus work.

     Drills, skills, combinations and routines are worked on for safe progression through gymnastics skills.


  • Sometimes, there is open choice during the session for participants to work on something they want to conquer or simply just enjoy.


  • Finish with a group cool down of stretching and/or active recovery.


There are many variations of each skill so everyone can enjoy a challenge and walk away feeling successful.​



Participants move through skills at their own pace under the guise of an experienced accredited coach. The sky is the limit with what you can learn in gymnastics!​


Adult Competitions - For those up to the challenge

Adult competitions are becoming more popular!


Competitive Season June to November.


Age Eligibility - Ladies and Men 18+ from novice to advanced.


Categories - The competitive master's framework has divisions based upon age (there's even bonuses for older gymnasts) and ability (there's categories that suit beginners through to previously high-level gymnasts). You don't even have to enter on all apparatus.


 This supportive initiative is great as the routines are able to be built around skills you excel at! 


Progression - As routines are built around your strengths, progress to harder skills, which are worth more points when you're safe and ready to compete them as there's no requirement to compete the same routine at each competition.


Levels badges - There is no need for a levels test in masters divisions, however adults at MGS are welcome to levels test in house, once competent in their chosen discipline within the rules and regulations of the gym sport of interest.


Competitive Rules are listed on Gymnastics QLD under GFA Technical Regulations

We seek to support adult participation

In 2021, we hosted the first ever WAG and MAG adult competition as part of the Maryborough Masters Games.  Check out how it went here.  We hosted another Heritage City Classic for WAG and MAG in 2023.

Our Twist and Flip, Trampoline & Tumbling Competition since starting in 2022 is an inclusive competition and has always had an adult division.

MGS will endeavors to support  our members in their chosen gym sport and advise members of competition opportunities.

Fitter for life (Over 50's)

"Use it or lose it"
Gymnastics is for the whole family! Become stronger, more mobile and be able to continue the activities you love to do in life.

Fitter for Life is a fun and social opportunity that aims to help you improve your mobility, strength and coordination; the activities in the program can be catered to you and tailored to your level of ability or mobility.

The skills developed in the Fitter for Life program are used for common activities, such as:

  • Walking up and down a flight of stairs;

  • Hanging out the washing;

  • Bending down or reaching up into cupboards; and

  • Playing with grandchildren.

We do not currently offer this class, however check out some amazing resources to do at home. Click here for more information about fitter or life.

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GymSports for everybody… Enriching lives through sport, challenge, fitness and fun - Today and into the future!​

© Copyright 2025 Maryborough GymSports 
Last updated February 2025

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