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Lil' Gym - Katapult - Closed for the foreseeable future due to staff shortage.

Are you the next Lil' Gym Coach?
pply within to coach this session as there is high demand for under 6's programs! 

 "Launches children into learning" 

Are you looking for a highly beneficial and engaging activity that will burn some energy off your little monkey?

Classes run for 60mins, once a week, under suitably qualified staff - see the timetable for time and day information.

​Katapult classes give children new experiences and responsibility as they grow and develop.  The class continues to work on the FUNdamentals of gymnastics with gymnastics apparatus such as bars, beam, trampolines, floor, ball, hoop to enhance these basics. Children don’t have their parent with them in these classes. Should a child not be developmentally ready for Katapult, the coach may advise moving into the Building Blocks class.  By the time a child finishes this class at age 6, they should have the knowledge, skills and confidence required for commencing in their chosen discipline of Level 1 in the Level's Programs. If unsure, the coach may advise which level's program discipline the child would be to try.
This cla
ss may be merged with participants from Bridgin' Buddies to ensure viability of class.


Update - In 2024 - the Bridgin' Buddies and Katapult classes will be open to 4 - 6 year olds in both classes to give families an earlier and later class option.


Give your child a head start to life in Katapult and watch them grow and develop!


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